The ancient capital of Gondor.
/warp Osgiliath, /warp Osgiliath-assets, /warp Osgiliath-example, /warp Osgitut3, /warp Osgitut
Project Leader: @fox
Resource Pack: EQPack Gondor compulsory [Link]
From the Tolkien Gateway:
Osgiliath was the old capital city of Gondor. The city straddled the Anduin River at a point approximately half way between the cities of Minas Anor (better known in these modern times as Minas Tirith) to the south-west and Minas Ithil (better known as Minas Morgul in these dark times) to the north-east, and north of the nearby Emyn Arnen.
In the Great Hall of the city the thrones of the sons of Elendil were set side by side. In its days of glory, the city featured quays to handle sea-going vessels that came up from the sea, a great stone bridge supporting houses and towers of stone, and the Dome of Stars, which housed the Osgiliath-stone, the greatest of the seven Palantíri.
The astute amongst you will realise we already have an Osgiliath, released in 2014. However, this does not live up to standards or the vision we have for the city today. As such, we’ve taken the decision to build this location anew. Others will remember participating in the early 2020 attempt to rebuild the city from scratch, before it was put on hold until today. It is a terrain-light and structure-heavy build, so will require maximum Member participation.

Following thorough discussion with the community Lead team, it has been decided that the best way to build Osgiliath is to build exteriors/structures only, but preferably include an interior structure as-well. The reason behind this decision is so that we can make a ruined version first, clean and quickly without having to spend time and nerves decorating every little room in the houses. After the structures are done, we will duplicate the map and ruin one of them. The other one might get at-least a minimal interior attention, like focusing on the decoration of more important buildings or sealing off certain rooms.
No interiors allows a much easier way to make a ruined version of Osgiliath.
Here is a general plan for the next few weeks:

District 1 is an affluent middle-class district. District 2 and 4 are simple middle-class districts, they are a bit poorer and their houses are hence more modest. District 3 is the working class district, with the A area being reserved for residency, and the B area mainly reserved for storage and warehouses.
Check out the job list (/jobs list) in-game to see what tasks are available. We are now doing the District 3.a. It is a poor district that has a build style which ressembles the movies a lot more than the District 1. I made a thorough tutorial for both the stylistic aspect and philosophical aspect of this district, which is available at /warp Osgitut3. Make sure to check it out before working on the third district jobs! For any ideas, suggestions feel free to reply in this forum thread down below, or discord. If you are motivated to affect Osgiliath even more than this, feel free to message LimeeFox so we can talk about it!
Please, go to
/warp OsgiTut3
and carefully read the signs that indicate how to build Osgiliath houses. It is very helpful and a must-do before building a house. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the Projects channel on discord.
Last, but not least, when claiming a job using the jobs plugin, you must copy/paste the area of your job and build on a copy of it floating above the job. After the job is done, it will be reviewed and if everything is alright, it will be pasted down below!
- Done,
- Not Done, ◕ - In Progress, ⭯ - Needs Redoing
East Bank
West Bank
District 1:
→ [◕] Houses
→ [◕] Street Decoration
→ [] Park
→ [] vegetation
→ [] public library
Centre Island
Surround Countryside