The EpicQuestz Newsletter
Issue 01 March 2020 - 15 March 2020
"We are currently working actively on District A - Affluent Middle Class, which has been entirely planned out and is now awaiting exterior structures to be built by Members. There are also about 4 interiors which need completing. @the_pharaohs_cat is working on a large palatial building, the use for which has yet to be determined (recommendations are welcome). Now the whole area is planned out, my aim will be to proceed with planning out the remainder of this shore of the city. Check the project thread for more info on progress and updates.“
- Project Overseer, @Tobberz
Project Leader: @Enoshade
“More plants have been made and imported. I’ve started putting down the forests around Aldburg; the screenshot should speak for itself.”
- Project Designer, @Enoshade
There have been a lot of developments resourcepack wise - the biggest is the split into a Gondor pack, which we are currently using for Osgiliath. The changelog for the Gondor pack is:
- Stone Brick Pillar moved from Dead Horn Coral Block to Purpur Pillar.
- Prismarine changed to black concrete
- Red Nether Brick Pillar changed to Quartz Pillar Walls
- Mossy Stone Brick Wall changed to Quartz Walls
- Removed all ore textures
- removed all ore blocks
- added placeholder blocks for textures that can be completely changed.
- added polished quartz block
- added text key blocks to glazed terracotta.
For both Gondor and Rohan branches:
- changed grass/dirt/soul sand/coarse dirt/grass path
@StealWonders has been working on the EpicJobs plugin, and IPv6 has been set up on the server which should ensure that it is future-proof, as Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) will fully replace IPv4 at one point. It may also net slight performance improvements and an increase in server security, though these would be tiny at best.

For the last few months, I (@Enoshade) have been working on a futuristic utopia city - it is still in the colourboxing stage, with most of it being made up wool placeholder blocks, though the image attached involves a mostly finished shopping area. I have an interesting concept for the rightmost shop - it will be a delivery location for a citywide conveyor belt system, which transports containers from a central teleporter array. The upcoming containers are also displayed on a ‘screen,’ which is a map of a painted region. There are hovercraft for public transportation across the city, and simple walkways to traverse the verticality of the city. You can see my progress near
/warp Terrain
It’s been a lot of fun writing the newsletter again, and I certainly hope it’s been as much fun reading it! Have a good morning/day/evening/night everyone.
-Signing off, @Enoshade.
Screenshots in this newsletter all taken by me
Shaders used: Seus Renewed 1.0.0, and SEUS PTGI for Rohan Terrain
I have a more open question this time. There is no conclusive answer to this, and it is largely a matter of personal opinion. How did Morgoth create the dragons? Answer in the thread below, I look forward to the discussion.
Answer to the previous quiz:
Elu Thingol, also known as Elwë Singollo, was an elven king of the Teleri during the first age. He was sent as an ambassador for the Teleri to Valinor, though when he returned for his people they lagged behind and missed the departure of the floating island of Tol Eressëa. While waiting for the island to return, he met Melian the Maia, whom he promptly fell in love with - and stayed behind in Beleriand with her. His people would not depart without him, and so tarried as well. He ruled the kingdom of Doriath with Melian, who provided a magical barrier that kept Doriath from harm. Soon after, he fathered Lúthien Tinuviel - “ere moon was made | or sun was wrought.” There were many tales involving him, though you would be better served reading the Silmarillion than my poorly abridged version.