The EpicQuestz Newsletter
ISSUE 67 - 19 January 2025

Editor’s Note
Greetings, devoted followers of Epic Questz’s most irregular tradition! Once again, our beautiful newsletter has returned to provide you with the latest information on all things Epic Questz. Also, I want to wish you all a very happy new year. May all of your biggest dreams come true. Now, it is my privilege to publish the first newsletter of 2025! Let’s dive right in and go over everything that transpired during the past months on our precious little server!

A word from LimeeFox
Hello all! Happy new year 2025! On EpicQuestz, 2024 was an adventurous year, as we were planting flowers in Bree gardens, building new houses for The Poor of Osgiliath and having sleepless nights carving great halls in Moria. 4 New members of the team have joined the builder ranks, out of a total of 10 applications (some of which are still in progress, and nearly finished!). We’ve also created a Tik Tok account and started posting short videos there. We’re already at ±200 followers!
On the project front, we’ll continue building Bree, Osgiliath and we have many Empire War projects on the to-do list as-well. Finally, we have a project almost ready to release - the Dead Marshes survival map! Anyway, enough of my words, thank you all for following EpicQuestz last year, and let me give the pen back to Rio for the first newsletter of 2025!
- Summary by EpicQuestz’s Glorious Supreme Admin - @LimeeFox

Project Progress

In a burst of motivation, Tobberz made a lot of progress on the city planning. We have agreed on the location of a second bridge across the river Anduin, and we have identified future districts. Tobberz even laid out a few new streets and new houses. We also established a design for the 5th district, which is going to consist of workshops and craftsmen that require large yards/workplaces. Building has also commenced down the river where the orcs land in their boats during Faramir’s defense (and loss) of the city.
- Project Leader, @LimeeFox

Following multiple build sessions, we’ve managed to make good progress on the yards and gardens and added a lot of foliage inside the town already. Moreover, progress on the interiors (both structure and decoration) has been a lot better than the past months, bringing many new houses to full completion. Over the next months we will continue to conduct build sessions and jobs will keep being created, while Tobberz will be slowly finishing the planning of the farm fields outside of the city walls.
- Project Co-Leader @LimeeFox

Howdy y’all! Cirith Ungol has been an area of special interest to me for quite some time now, and I am pleased as punch to have it be an official EpicQuestz project. However, the other projects on the server are priorities for good reason, so progress has been rather slow. For builders, feel free to tackle one of the jobs if you need a change of pace from our main projects! But Cirith Ungol will be a bit of a slow burn for the time being.
- Project Leader, @Battle_Hippie

Other Developments
Our wonderful designer the_pharaohs_cat and our glorious owner Tobberz have been putting a lot of effort into our resource pack. A recent update was made, which you can read about here!

Technical Corner
Discord in-game chat has received an aesthetically pleasing upgrade
The server has been updated to 1.21.3
The server has been updated to 1.21.3

No promotions have happend over the last months! Let the 2025 recruitment plan start now!
Featured Creation
This time’s featured creation goes to SamRed5 with a nice ship and cliffside build!

You know what they say—another year, another newsletter. That somewhat resembles the pattern we’ve been posting about recently. Once again I, Rio of the 155th am grateful for the opportunity to help out in the community. And I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it! Until next time, keep building, keep curious and keep (Epic) questing!

Since it’s a new year, I’ll ask a question rather than a quiz. In 2025, what is your greatest wish for Epic Questz and yourself?
Answer to the previous quiz:
Castamir the Usurper was responsible for the Gondorian Kinstrife. Congratulations to Grissum1, who had the correct answer!