Dale Revamp (2019)

Dale Revamp
A wide-ranging revamp of our 2015 Dale map

Project Meta:

Project Overseer: [Creator] @Tobberz
Project Leader: [Designer] @the_pharaohs_cat

What we aim to achieve before re-releasing this map for download.

  • [In Progress] Redo all interiors, many of which are extremely sub-par, and many which are simply not done at all.
  • [In Progress] Redo many of the house roofs to bring in some standardisation in the style, as well as extensive editing of existing style to make more uniform (but not monotonous)
  • [In Progress] Redo much interior vegetation and landscaping within the walls of Dale.
  • [In Progress] Edit existing walls and towers, editing existing roofs and interiors.
  • [In Progress] Redo all vegetation outside Dale.
  • [In Progress] Rework much of the exterior terrain.
  • [Complete] Re-route some paths, add supporting walls and re-texture them.
  • [Not Started] Create a new cinematic to go with the re-release (secondary aim).

What makes this a revamp not a rebuild?

  • Certain “reserved features” will not be edited, to constrain the scope of the project.
  • These include the general house style, the wall layout and style, and the most basic terrain structure of the city.

This thread will be updated with a) Progress and b) Instructions, to act both as a log and info for @Traveller and @Artist about how they can help out.
Wool Colour Codes
Dale uses the standard system
Update Log - 05/06/19

South-West Island
/warp dale-sw

  • [Complete] Redo all interiors, many of which are extremely sub-par, and many which are simply not done at all.
  • [Complete] Redo many of the house roofs to bring in some standardisation in the style, as well as extensive editing of existing style to make more uniform (but not monotonous)
  • [In Progress] Redo much interior vegetation and landscaping within the walls of Dale.
  • [In Progress] Edit existing walls and towers, editing existing roofs and interiors.

South-East Island

Preparation by @Tobberz is continuing here to make it ready for Members to start building. This includes placing wool and instructions, as well as making some minor edits.

Exterior Terrain

@Tobberz has starred on editing some of the exterior terrain to make it slightly less awful.

Update Log - 15/06/19

South-West Island
/warp dale-sw

  • Progress is overall fairly similar to previous update.
  • @the_pharaohs_cat has made quite a lot of progress in decorating the streets and houses.

South-East Island
/warp dale-se

  • [In Progress] Redo all interiors, many of which are extremely sub-par, and many which are simply not done at all.
  • [In Progress] Redo many of the house roofs to bring in some standardisation in the style, as well as extensive editing of existing style to make more uniform (but not monotonous)
  • [In Progress] Redo much interior vegetation and landscaping within the walls of Dale.
  • [In Progress] Edit existing walls and towers, editing existing roofs and interiors.