The EpicQuestz Newsletter
Issue 22 July - 04 August 2019
- Editor, @fox
Dale | /warp dale | In Progress
[Leader: @the_pharaohs_cat]
Progress has stopped almost to a stand-still. Most of the focus of the build team has shifted to Rohan, and as such barely anything has been done.
- Project Leader, @the_pharaohs_cat
Barad-Dur | /warp baraddur | In Progress
[Manager: @thebeserker]
We have finished the main structure of Barad Dur, the interior is complete and we have begun the final stage of the project by starting the exterior terrain. This time I would like to give a shout-out to GrizzlyBe and craftking178 who have worked tirelessly over the past week to get us to where we are now.
- Project Manager, @thebeserker
Grimslade | In Progress
[Leader: @fox]
We have finally started working on Grimslade! After @Enoshade cut a piece of his unfinished terrain and located on the server, we started working on this little village/town following our detailed location plans, less than a week ago. For the past two days, especially, the progress on this project has gone wild! We already finished 5 houses, and two more are half-way done! Today, I named Savitarr the project’s deputy, who acts like my right hand in this project. This means that during periods of my absence, he may assign our Builders freely to any task and job that is open for work…
Here is our (or atleast my own) vision of Grimslade, lore-wise:
Grimslade is home of Grimbold, a Rohirric Marshall, and to his ancestors and family. It is a little town/village that serves as an outpost and that is populated by horse-breeders. It is located in the foothills of the White Mountains on a hill, in Westfold, south-east to Helm’s Deep, across some mountains. A river flows north.
This location isn’t too defendable, but the villagers can hide the in the forest. They don’t expect real attacks, and besides, their horses are raised to be loyal to the folk of Rohan, trained this well only using the exceptional rohirric skill… The horselords grow wheat for bread, and catch fish…
- Project Leader, @fox (LimeeFox)
Minas Tirith | In Progress
[Leader: @the_pharaohs_cat]
Since the last update letter there has been an overhaul in the texture of the streets of Minas Tirith, as well as some progress in revamping older areas like the first level gate. The one tower in the citadel that lacked an exterior now has one, redecorating the upper levels has started.
- Project Leader, @the_pharaohs_cat
Rohan Terrain | In Progress
[Leader: @Enoshade]
I’ve been working on the rivers until I’ve come to a formula that I’m mostly happy with, experimented with vegetation layers and exported a part of the map - Grimslade, on which building has already commenced. I’ve also come up with a way to get around the mess that 1.13 has caused in terms of schematic saving and can now export all of the tree and rock assets that we have made for the Rohan map.
- Terrain Leader, @Enoshade
As promised in the last letter, a new project has been launched!
The server it-self (which is open to ANYONE via 1.13.2) was being more populated than for the past few weeks.
We recently realized that a couple of our discord invite links were broken (this includes YouTube and the in-game command /discord), and our administrators fixed it! Sorry for this inconveniance!
In the meantime, Tobberz has added our server’s IP in the descritpion of 3 of our latest YouTube videos.
Below, GrizzlyBe’s first plot, which allowed him to reach the rank of Novice. Exceptional attention to smallest details!
BI-WEEKLY QUIZ: What is the casual form of greeting of Lockrules, from our YouTube channel? COMMENT DOWN BELOW! Answer is revealed in the next newsletter!
We are now secure to move on, since we finally got around to work on a new project, again! Excpect alot more to come next time!
I am heavily sorry for most of these shaderless screenshots, I am still not back home from my vacation, and I only have a tiny powerless laptop, so I cannot take fancy screenshots myself, but thanks to my occasional SOS screenshots providers @Savitar and @Enoshade for giving me the cool pictures with shadows showcased above!