Gondor Pack

Download from here: https://www.epicquestz.com/resource-pack/

The Gondor Pack was split off from Legacy Pack 3.1 in 2020.

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Version 0.4

- texture: acacia trapdoor -> green trapdoor
- name: ‘Acacia Trapdoor’ -> ‘Green Painted Shutters’

- texture: grass path -> dirt path (multiple variations)
- name: ‘Grass Path’ -> ‘Dirt Path’

- texture: oak slab -> dirt slab
- name: ‘Petrified Oak Slab’ -> ‘Dirt Slab’

- texture: new iron bar texture

- texture: new mossy stone bricks texture (multiple variations)

- texture: ‘do not use’ texture -> oak log texture
- name: ‘Nether Brick Fence’ -> ‘Oak Log Fence’

- texture: purpur block -> red roof tile texture
- Name: ‘Purpur Block’ -> ‘Red Tile Block’

- texture: news poppy texture

- texture: new mushroom stem texture
- name -> Petrified Log

Version 0.4.1

- texture: acacia trapdoor -> blue trapdoor
- name: 'Acacia Trapdoor' -> 'Blue Painted Shutters'
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Version 0.5

all custom doors (except iron_door, which is still old)
all custom trapdoors (except iron_trapdoor, which is still old)
custom name fixes
custom fence/wall fixes
centralised development stream

This is similar to the other two packs - all three are now on a level and unified dev stream, making all easier.

Version 0.6

  • New iron_door texture.
  • New light_blue_glass texture.
  • New oak_plank texture.
  • New Dark Stone texture on dead_horn_coral_block.
  • New patterned glass texture on yellow_stained_glass.
  • New Quartz Trapdoor (1) texture on iron_trapdoor.
  • New Quartz Trapdoor (2) texture on crimson_trapdoor.
  • Polished Quartz texture moved to smooth_quartz from dead_horn_coral_block.
  • The Narrow Quartz Bricks texure moved to quartz_bricks.
  • Re-added new iron_bars texture.

Version 0.7

  • Added rusty quartz bricks (iron_ore)
  • Added mossy quartz bricks (iron_block)
  • Moved black marble (prismarine → polished_blackstone)
  • Fixed various block names

Please now see this thread for continued RP update logs.