The EpicQuestz Newsletter #56 (07/03/22)

The EpicQuestz Newsletter
Issue #56 - 7 March 2022


Editor’s Note

Hello everybody! It’s been quite some time since the last newsletter, with over a month of a break. But here we are again, to bring MANY news and excitement to you. I am sure that if you don’t play Minecraft a lot anymore, this newsletter will make you want to come back!
-Editor, @LimeeFox

Project Progress


Aldburg | COMPLETE
Project Leader: @Tobberz

WE HAVE RELEASED ALDBURG! Following the completion of the map, we published it on various social platforms along with the cinematic!

You can find all of the information about the map, including its download link, below:

- Editor, @LimeeFox


Bree | In Progress
Co-Leader: @LimeeFox Co-Leader: @dog_lover11

We’ve had a couple of build sessions that allowed us to make progress on the exteriors. A couple of new hobbit holes appeared, which means that the majority of the planned hobbit holes are now built, although their interior is still to be done. On the subject of interiors, a decent amount of them are now marked complete, along with new interior structures. Lastly, we began decorating the streets such as the main marketplace and some other corners around the city.
- Project Leader, @LimeeFox


Weathertop / Amon-Sûl | COMPLETE
Builder: @LimeeFox

Haven’t seen this one before, have you? I have been secretly working on a personal project, which turned out to be a good opportunity to update our 9 year old Weathertop. I started it from scratch, making the landscape in World Painter and later exporting it in-game. I carefully examined the LOTR movie scenes in order to accurately hand-terraform the rocks on which the ruins stood, and of course to accurately recreate the watchtower it-self. You can find all of the necessary info for that map via the following link: Weathertop – EpicQuestz
- Project Builder, @LimeeFox

Other Developments

In the past two months, we’ve released 2 new videos on our YouTube channel; the cinematics for both of our recently published maps.
If we were to begin a new video series, what would you like to see?

Technical Corner

No updates on this front, our servers works perfectly :slight_smile:

Featured Creation

This week I would like to feature Enoshade’s abstracted oil painting of Grimslade! Observe the progression of this little project in the following images (and don’t forget to express your thoughts on his work in the comments belolow)





You will earn extra karma if you can find the spot in-game, where this picture was taken and post it below in the comment section


The goals for the two coming weeks, after which we’ll give you another update, is to get started with at-least one new project, or better say Revive an old project… OSGILIATH! Following the vote we hosted in our News channel on discord asking members of the community to select their most desired map, Osgiliath won with 26 votes, followed by Hobbiton with 19 votes and by the Glittering Caves (Age IV) with 4 votes. Work is boiling on the Dome of Stars which I decided to rebuild myself, and so is the planning.

I remind every reader who isn’t a builder+ that our applications are open, and we will be most delighted to welcome you in the ranks of Members, and look forward to work with you on some Middle Earth locations! How to join:

Thank you for reading, and see you on the server :slight_smile:

What was the message left by the Dead on the doors to the Paths of the Dead?

Answer to the previous quiz:
Why was there a third Eagle flying to pick up Frodo and Sam after they’ve destroyed the ring?

It is up to personal interpretation. Personally, I’ve read that the third eagle was here for Gollum. Each eagle carried one of the survivors of those who destroyed the ring, but Gollum didn’t make it. But that is only one interpretation, and there are surely more! Or perhaps there is nothing to interpret and the eagle was just there for nothing?


The dead where Nice to give A headsup about the road work they where doing. And said that the road was shut

That’s a tricky one. I’d assume that they put up a ‘no trespassing’ sign; or was that Farmer Maggot?

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