The EpicQuestz Newsletter
Issue 37 - 23 November 2020
Project Leader: @Enoshade
“Sweeping regions of the White Mountains have been refined, and the area around Grimslade is essentially finished. The Grimslade terrain is on a deadline to be finished within about a week from now, and is nearly complete besides applying trees and snow to the mountains. Besides that, I am working on the area which includes Edoras and Dunharrow - this should be the next part to be completed, hopefully along with the majority of Southern Rohan.”
“To put it mildly, an imperial shit-ton of stuff has happened on Aldburg over the past month - it’s hard to summarise. Most notably, the three farms located within the Outer Bailey have made a lot of progress, and just the other day I laid out the field boundaries for the north farm. Recently, too, @LimeeFox revamped the fortress area, which had ground to a halt thanks in part to my business, but moreso because I wasn’t quite sure where I wanted it to go after having doubts. I’m happy with Fox’s reforms though, and this area should be making even more progress soon.”
I’ll include everything in here this time, since not much happened technical-wise. On that front, the warp system was completely updated and replaced, and now comes with a GUI, portals, and crazy effects when you teleport.
Me being me, I’ll talk briefly about the resource packs. Since we last saw each other (in August), my big RP revamp has been “completed”, but all that really means is we are now on stable ground to make progress. The other day I released updates for all three packs, which included some new textures and additions. You can see more about them in the changelogs section of the forums.
I am not sure if I am allowed to re-feature creations, but @Savitar has made an awful lot of progress on his Rohan themed plot, so I simply had to take a picture!

The way things are going, it looks like we might be able to release a second map (Grimslade) this year, thanks to Enoshade’s hard work. Maybe, even, Aldburg too! Excitement aside, as RP Manager I’ll do my best to make the builds look as good as possible from my end. Good night!
What is the name of the first book/section of the Silmarillion?
Answer to the previous quiz:
Bree is the only place in Middle-Earth where men and hobbits live together!