A collection of projects based in Rohan, all built within the same contiguous world. We have the end-goal of releasing the whole kingdom for download, a feat which will effectively be the first of its kind.
See below for /warps
Rohan Overseer: @Tobberz
Resource Pack: Rohan Pack Compulsory
@Enoshade is working on the terrain of Rohan in Worldmachine and Worldpainter, and this should be ready in the coming weeks/months, once assets have been made. If we reach the stage where we need a location before the terrain is done, Enoshade will export just the region we need. We will then embark on the plan outlined below. There’s no real deadlines or time-limit for this, but expect it to be a long-term project. This project will be based on the eve of the War of the Ring.
At a later stage these will be arranged into their relevant regions, once we have fleshed out which locations will be built (e.g: West-march, Westemnet, Folde, Eastemnet). For now they are categorised as Primary & Secondary.
[✓] Helm’s Deep: Release︱Download︱Helms_Deep
[◕] Aldburg: Thread︱ Aldburg, Aldburg-assets
[✱] Edoras
[✱] Isengard
[✱] Dunharrow
–[✓] Éoford (Unfortified Village): Release︱Download︱Eoford
–[◕] Grimslade (Fortified Town): Thread︱Grimslade, Grimslade-assets, Grimslade-assets2

Updated Roadmap (January '21)
Phase 1
[✓] Release Helm’s Deep and Éoford on PMC.
[◕] Complete Grimslade and Aldburg.
[✱] Create a PMC page for the Rohan project, with a unified cinematic and links to all the downloads. Also update the main Middle-Earth page at this time, and ensure website too is updated.
The four above maps at this point are in separate worlds/locations.
Phase 2
[✱] Have Eno release a world which includes all of southern Rohan.
[✱] Integrate the 4 above maps (Helm’s Deep, Éoford, Grimslade and Aldburg) all into one world.
[✱] Begin filler building between the four locations (villages, paths, features, etc).
[✱] Start on a new major location, e.g: Dunharrow, Isengard or Edoras.
The first two will require much more effort as they are not in the correct terrain environment.
Phase 3
[✱] North Rohan…
Preliminary Roadmap (July '19)
- Release Helm’s Deep and Éoford on PMC (including cinematic, etc)
a. Éoford has been released, we’re just waiting on Helm’s Deep now. - Once the terrain is finished, embark on three principle projects - two Secondary, one Primary:
a. Integrate the new Helm’s Deep into the new Rohan terrain.
b. Integrate Éoford into the new Rohan terrain.
c. Start work on Grimslade. - Create a Rohan page on PMC with a roadmap, and links to already done projects. Also update the main Middle-Earth page at this time.
- Embark on building the remaining locations above, as well as numerous other minor settlements and between-settlement filler. Whilst Edoras will be completely remade, I foresee that we’ll re-use much of Orthanc from previous versions of Isengard.
- Indivudual locations, once completed, may be released for download individually (extracted from the main map and put in another world, classic EQ style), but the principle aim is to eventually release the entire, contiguous map for download.