A collection of projects based in Rohan, with the end-goal of a contiguous kingdom.
A collection of projects based in Rohan, with the end-goal of a contiguous kingdom.
[In Progress] Helm’s Deep
[Needs Redoing] Edoras
[Needs Redoing] Isengard
[Not Started] Aldburg
[Not Started] Dunharrow
[In Progress] Other Villages / Towns
[Complete] Éoford (Village)
The Plan
- Release Helm’s Deep and Éoford on PMC (including cinematic, etc)
- Create a Rohan page on PMC with a roadmap, and links to already done projects. Also update the main Middle-Earth page at this time.
- Begin work on a fully contiguous and terrained region of Rohan as outlined in the map above. Helm’s will need some terrain editing to fit into the White Mountains.
- Isengard should be remade from scratch, excluding the tower of Orthanc, principally due to the terrain. The terrain should be started inside this new Rohan world, rather than alone.
- As Isengard is a terrain-heavy project, as well as nature-heavy, we should also start a city project at this time. I’d recommend Edoras.
- In the far future, once the Kingdom is complete, it’ll be released for download. And it’ll be absolutely epic, and the first of its kind.