Meeting-G February 2023
This thread might be updated in the coming days.
Vote for the time here: Doodle
Session Agenda
Projects (in-game)
Isengard planning
- layout?
- placement of features relatively to one another?
- finalization & project forum thread post
Osgiliath planning
- Long-term planing over the entire city area
- walls?
- city too grey?
Some preliminary context: This is the first General Meeting, although it should be taken a lot less formally. Consider it a build session, just not inherently block-placement oriented, but rather project planning. Every member of the build team is most welcome to come and help! We can vote for the time that suites most of us to maximize participation on doodle (link to be added soon. Stay tuned).
The time of the session will be decided soon, by vote. It will take place on the week of February 6th - 13th. Doodle link will be shared asap.
If you have any questions or need specifications, let me know. Either comment down here or tag me in a discord channel/hit me in PM.